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Jan's Story

Get Thinking

Everything we do, from the products we buy and the food we eat to the way we travel, releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and so has an impact on the planet’s climate. 

Jan has an admirable attitude to waste and energy. His lifelong habit of frugality, instilled in him as a child, means that he has a much lighter impact on the planet than most. Installing renewable energy to power his home, growing his own food and re-using and re-purposing discarded items, Jan has created a beautiful and efficient living space.


We don’t all have the skills or time to lovingly craft our homes this way. However, there are other ways that we can achieve similar outcomes, and as our systems change it will be much easier for us to make decisions that stop our money translating into environmental harm.

Get Inspired

We need to make big changes in the way our systems work in order to transition to a green economy. Sometimes it can feel so overwhelming that it feels easier not to think about it, especially when it seems like our individual actions are pointless. But the truth is all our individual actions put together make a massive difference – 60% of global emissions are the result of our personal choices.


We have compiled some tips on what we can do individually and as a community to make the most impact. These are changes that not only reduce our contributions to the climate crisis, but also improve the quality of life for everyone.

Get Sharing

Stories trigger more stories,

so we hope this has sparked some of your own memories and

provided an opportunity to reflect. 


Was there a culture in your community of reuse and repurpose? Were you involved?


Have you ever built anything using reclaimed materials? How did this feel?


Do you have anything reclaimed or repurposed in your home that has a story behind it?


What do you throw away?

Could this be reduced in any way?


Which energy sources do you use? Would you consider using renewable alternatives to fossil fuels?

Get Together

If you’re part of a local group and would like to explore this theme more through additional activities, then you might like to use our ‘Hands On’ toolkits. Contact Us to find out more.

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Teachers wanting to use these stories in the classroom can download additional resources here.

Dive Deeper

The Centre for Alternative Energy has a comprehensive guide on what our future energy use and lifestyles could look like.


For advice on setting up a community energy project, this is a Cornwall based free advice service.


Get Involved

Bude is already bursting at the seams with enthusiastic environmental groups and

great initiatives if you want to get involved with. Here’s a few:

The Repair Café

Reduce landfill by mending household items. Get your items repaired for free or volunteer your skills. It’s very sociable and there’s lots of cake.

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Thank You

We hope our suggestions and advice leave you feeling inspired. climate change can be challenging to think and talk about, so if any of your questions haven’t been answered or you need support or you have an idea you want to pursue, then please get in touch with the Bude Climate Partnership. We’re here to help you.


This Toolkit has been developed by Storylines.

Storylines is a Community Interest Company who use the common language of story to bring people together to share, celebrate, learn and connect.  Storylines supports organisations and communities to unearth and share their own stories through bespoke story projectsdigital storytellingeducation, oral historyworkshopsinterpretation

training and consultancy.

Share your memories and reflections here

Funded by
The National Lottery
Climate Action Fund
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Bude Climate Partnership Newsletter

© Bude Climate Partnership CIC, a community interest company, ­number 13335886. Web by GW

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