Programme Management

We’ll be improving local employment with year-round positions and training for up to six people in full-time and part-time roles. They’ll be playing an essential role in helping us deliver the projects.
We’ll be supporting local small businesses and freelance workers by paying them to help us deliver parts of some of the projects, or in some cases, an entire project under our supervision.
Working with The Carbon Literacy Project, we’ll be bringing accredited climate literacy training to hundreds of businesses and residents in the wider Bude area. This will inform them how to cut their carbon footprints, helping them save money and the planet.
To keep the community informed, we’ll be making lots of resources and toolkits available to advise residents and businesses about building resilience and their journey to a carbon-free future. We’ll also be letting you know what we’re doing through our social media, our website, and films and events.
The Lottery requires us to undertake various other activities required by our grant, such as annual assessments by external evaluators of the work we’re doing. These assessments will keep us on track, let the community see what we’re doing and enable us to learn from our experiences.
What we do in Bude is a testbed for climate adaptation elsewhere, so we’ll be actively sharing our learning and experiences with other coastal communities in Cornwall and more widely across the UK.