Working on positive climate-change projects
to future-proof the Bude area

Who we are
Hello – we’re Bude Climate Partnership, a group of local environmental organisations working together to develop positive community-led climate-change responses throughout the wider Bude area.
Living in north Cornwall on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, we’re right on the sharp edge of climate change. Our lovely town, our beautiful countryside, our spectacular coastline and our close-knit community need protection to ensure they remain wonderful places for future generations.
Climate change is happening. We cannot avoid it. But it’s not all doom and gloom – not by any stretch. If we’re smart and we work together, we can turn a serious threat to our way of life into lots of opportunities that will future-proof our community, our economy and all aspects of our environment.
Every one of us can make small changes that collectively will make a huge difference. We’re here to help everyone in the Bude area pull together to make those changes that need to happen.
What we're up to
For the last two years we’ve been working on 12 projects, using a £200,000 Lottery grant to employ experts in a wide range of areas. They researched all aspects of our community’s carbon footprint, including transport and energy use and the impact of tourism. This resulted in a number of strategies that could be implemented to reduce Bude’s carbon footprint in line with Cornwall Council’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2030.
At the end of last year, we went back to The National Lottery with our ideas and applied for additional funding to put our community’s many ideas and schemes into practice. We are delighted that The National Lottery awarded us a further £2m in December 2022 to implement the 'delivery' phase of our work.
Whilst work continues on the original projects, we have identified six key pieces of work to focus on over the next five years - Sustainable Tourism, Energy Efficiency, the Shoreline, a Community Growing Scheme, a Library of Things, and Community Storytelling.
We're aiming to work closely with you – in fact, we can’t reach our goal without your help. We want to know what you think: your hopes, ideas and suggestions, as well as your worries and doubts, so we can work together to preserve our community, coast and beautiful landscape for future generations.

What we can do?
Communities, organisations and individuals in the wider Bude area are rightly renowned for rallying towards a common cause. If something or someone needs help in our community – a family in need, a crumbling building or a special send-off – we are quick to offer support. This time, it's the place we all call home that needs our help.
In the same way that we don't think twice about simple acts of kindness to help our neighbours, we can commit to simple green behavioural tweaks to help our town, countryside, coastline and economy adapt positively to the threats of climate change. Find out the easy ways you can keep Bude as beautiful as it always has been.
Climate change is a challenge to us all. We can all be part of the solution.
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